Publication of COMS01 clinical trial results in the Journal of Wound Care

In a multicentre clinical trial COMS® therapy significantly reduced the time to wound closure for hard-to-heal wounds when compared with Standard of Care (SOC) alone

After years of dedication and willpower, we are happy to announce the publication of the results of our first-in-human clinical trial in the June edition of the Journal of Wound Care (JWC).

A big shout out to the team of our Principal Investigator Dr. med. Jurg Traber and Maria Signer at Venenklinik Bellevue and the Research Group of Prof. Dr. med. Joachim Dissemond and Finja Reinboldt-Jockenhöfer.

In this multicentre, prospective, comparative clinical trial the safety and effectiveness of COMS® treatment was investigated in 40 patients at wound care excellence centres in Switzerland. We are proud and excited that the study was able to show that:

”…COMS® therapy significantly reduced the time to wound closure for hard-to-heal wounds when compared with Standard of Care (SOC) alone…”1

”The proportion of ulcers reaching a (near-)complete wound closure after 12 weeks’ follow-up, in the COMS®/ SOC treatment phase, were 60% and 43%, respectively….”1

“…sensation of pain decreased consistently and the Wound-QoL assessment showed improvement in all three analysed dimensions (body, psyche and everyday life), further validating the effectiveness of the investigational treatment…”1

1Reinboldt-Jockenhöfer, F., Traber, J., Liesch, G., Bittner, C., Benecke, U., & Dissemond, J. (2022). Concurrent optical and magnetic stimulation therapy in patients with lower extremity hard-to-heal wounds. Journal of wound care, 31(Sup6), S12–S21.

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